The Reality of Foster Care | Courtney Price-Dukes | TEDxNewmanUniversity
"You may not be able to fix the broken system... but your only job is to hold the hand of the one that is being wounded by its brokenness. Foster children don't need excuses; foster children need advocates"
Trauma Informed Care: Supporting Youth in Foster Care
Wisdom of Trauma-Informed Practice: Building Trust with Traumatized Kids
How Foster Care Placements Can Harm a Child's Brain
Illinois CASA Trauma Informed Webinars
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
12 Prevention and Resilience Strategies For ACES
Trauma Informed Practice with Young People in Foster Care
"Eating Like A Foster Kid" - by Ricky Holder
12 Ways to Help a Developmentally Traumatized Child
Child Sexual Abuse | Signs, Symptoms, and Resources for Parents & Guardians
Trauma-Informed Care Resource Guide